同學科期刊級別分類 CSSCI南大期刊 北大期刊 CSCD期刊 統計源期刊 部級期刊 省級期刊
CSCD 中國科學引文數據庫來源期刊(含擴展版)、統計源期刊(中國科技論文優秀期刊)、知網收錄(中)、維普收錄(中)、萬方收錄(中)、CA 化學文摘(美)、SCI 科學引文索引(美)、JST 日本科學技術振興機構數據庫(日)、劍橋科學文摘、國家圖書館館藏、上海圖書館館藏、農業與生物科學研究中心文摘
1992年:Won First Place Prize as an Excellent Academic Journal;
1996年:Awarded First Place Prize as an Elite Journal by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS);
1997年:Won Second Place Prize, National Excellent Science and Technology Journal;
1999年:Won the 1st National Journal Prize of China;
2000年:Awarded the Special Award of “Elite Journal 2000” by the CAS.
2001年:Received the Special Fund for Key Academic Journals from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant received from 2001 to 2012);
2002年:Won the 2nd National Journal Prize of China.Won the One Hundred Outstanding Chinese Academic Periodicals Award (won from 2002 to 2006);
2005年:Won the 3rd National Journal Prize of China.Received the Science Publication Fund, awarded by CAS (grant received in 2005, 2007, and from 2009-2016);
2006年:Named as one of the Top 7 Chinese Science and Technology Journals from 2006-2011 by the China Association for Science and Technology;
2009年:Won the Award of Most Influential Periodical in the Past 60 years in China;
2012年:Won the Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM Journals.Won the Award of the Highest International Impact Academic Journal of China by CNKI from 2012 to 2016;
2013年:Won Nominated Award of the Third Chinese Government Award for Publishing.Won Top 100 Newspapers and Journals by State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China;
2014年:Won the Beauty of Periodicals in China;
2015年:Won Top 100 Newspapers and Journals by State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China;
2016年:Won the Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM Journals,Won the Beauty of Periodicals in China。
資助課題 | 涉及文獻 |
國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973Program) | 20 |
國家自然科學基金(30624808) | 20 |
國家自然科學基金(30424813) | 16 |
國家高技術研究發展計劃(863Program) | 13 |
高等學校學科創新引智計劃(B08025) | 9 |
國家自然科學基金(90102015) | 6 |
國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(2011CB915402) | 5 |
國家自然科學基金(30170161) | 5 |
國家自然科學基金(NSFC) | 5 |
國家自然科學基金(9092202120773130207330032080308020973175) | 5 |
資助項目 | 涉及文獻 |
國家自然科學基金 | 1222 |
國家重點基礎研究發展計劃 | 211 |
中國博士后科學基金 | 65 |
國家高技術研究發展計劃 | 51 |
高等學校學科創新引智計劃 | 45 |
廣東省自然科學基金 | 26 |
國家教育部博士點基金 | 23 |
中國科學院知識創新工程 | 17 |
中國科學院科研項目 | 11 |
北京市自然科學基金 | 11 |